This website summarizes investigations of integrated size reduction and separation of biomass to improve the production of energy and bioproducts. Scientific results of these studies are presented in three (3) formats as follows:
- Top 11 Best Management Practices (BMPs) – these provide the highest level summary and are listed in the page "Best Management Practices". BMPs are aimed at industries that develop, produce, and investigate the machinery for physical bioprocessing of biomass, and at industries developing biomass feedstock specifications for their proprietary conversion processes
- Bioprocessing R&D – Outlines results at moderate level of detail
- Resources – Greatest level of detail is provided in Presentations, Publications, and Photolibrary
One result of the project is a research/demonstration trailer, with direct monitoring of energy-input into a knifemill, hammermill, and disk refiner. Another result is equipment for physical separation of biomass plant anatomical components, for enrichment of biomass chemistries supplied to conversion processes. These and other capabilities may aide gathering additional engineering data on biomass that may be of interest to industries developing biomass-based equipment, processes, and business portfolios. Feel free to contact the project leader (A.R. Womac, ph 865-974-7104, awomac@utk.edu) if these biomass research capabilities have applications to your industry.