
Posters presented
- Chevanan, N., A.R. Womac, and V.S. Bitra. 2008. Loose filled and tapped densities of chopped switchgrass, corn stover and wheat straw. Paper No. 084085, ASABE Annual International Meeting, June 29 - July 2 2008 – Providence, Rhode Island. (pdf-link)
- Womac, A.R., X. P. Ye, D. G. Hayes, C. Igathinathane, S. Klasek, P. Miu, T. Yang, M. Yu, S. Sokhansanj, and S. Narayan. 2006. Advances in Biomass Integrated Size Reduction and Separation. Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, February 12-14, 2006 - Louisville, Kentucky. (pdf-link)
- Miu, P., A. R. Womac, C. Igathinathane, M. Yu, S. Narayan, and S. Sokhansanj. 2006. Rotary Equipment and Process Investigation for Biomass Size Reduction. Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, February 12-14, 2006 - Louisville, Kentucky. (pdf-link)
- Igathinathane, C., A. R. Womac, P. Miu, M. Yu, S. Narayan, and S. Sokhansanj. 2006. Linear Equipment and Process Investigation for Biomass Size Reduction. Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference, February 12-14, 2006 - Louisville, Kentucky. (pdf-link)